Getting A Scholarship In Northern Institute of Technology Management


Do you have the thirst for knowledge? Do you have the desire to take a Master’s Degree? Is there something that’s stopping you from fulfilling that desire? Let me guess, you are probably financially constrained. It’s understandable knowing that the economic crisis took its second wave across the globe. 

You probably have desired to go to Northern Institute of Technology Management. The problem is that you probably don’t have EUR 27,000 for tuition. Getting into that management program will perhaps remain a dream. EUR 27,000 is pretty hefty even if you are working right now. Even if the tuition covers the semester fees, apartment rent, security fund and the like, the price is still steep. And if you don’t leave anywhere near Hamburg, getting there is expensive.

That’s why, the Executive Board of the institute has partnered with several companies to come up with scholarship programs.

Say for example, Mechatronics is what interests you the most. You don’t have to worry about it. ArcelorMittal is one of the major sponsors of the school. ArcelorMittal is one of the biggest companies of steel and mining in the world. The company is giving a lot of hopefuls a chance to change the course of technology. After all, the Group takes interest in development of leading R&D and technology. 

Getting a master’s degree in Technology and Management can also be possible for you. Major global companies like Procter & Gamble, IBM, Philips and Siemens are some companies that offer scholarships. After all, they have greatly contributed in the German Economy. They want to keep being the backbone by continuously producing world-class talents.

Once you managed to get a scholarship, you don’t have to worry about the tuition. You get a full NIT scholarship. That means, it covers your education, language course in German, accommodation and other TUHH semester fees. Such semester fees include your transportation ticket and student union membership. Indeed, being able to study in Northern Institute of Technology Management is an excellent opportunity.